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Disease in Reverse

Event Name: Disease in Reverse
Event Starts: 20th June 2023
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

3 years ago, we were thrown into a major global health crisis.

Many people (willingly or unwillingly) took the jabs to “save humanity”.

Yet the full list of ingredients in those jabs was not known to the people who took those jabs, and to this day, it has still yet to be revealed.

The top medical experts who decided to investigate and test the jabs for their ingredients are still uncovering new harmful and mysterious toxins.

The public was subjected to toxins and poisons they didn’t know existed.

Many of them are sick, many are dead, and many are ticking time bombs.

The doctors don’t have a clue what to do, and say that there is nothing you can do to stop the DNA-altering and disease-causing toxic cocktail’s effects.

But someone has delved deep and found answers… and solutions.


Disease in Reverse is the latest documentary series release from medical investigative journalist and esteemed health influencer, Jonathan Otto.

He brings you the latest, cutting-edge detox and healing methods from world-renowned doctors and health experts.

This includes non-invasive, intelligent, and scientifically proven medical breakthroughs that you can’t find on google, and won’t hear from your doc.

Healing methods so powerful that they not only work on the deadly effects of the jab, but for practically any health condition you can possibly imagine.


This series covers topics including:

  • The aggressive, almost unstoppable “turbo cancers” in the vaccinated
  • Why there is infertility, stillbirths & miscarriages in the vaccinated
  • The jabs is causing never seen before long rubbery 3-foot long clots
  • Why these new blood clots break off and travel to the eyes and brain
  • How to heal fibrous blood clots and “sticky blood” from the body
  • The natural medicines that can safely detox biotoxins from the body
  • Why vaxx-induced myocarditis is VERY different to normal myocarditis
  • The “healthy foods” that actually create inflammation and disease
  • Top doctor warnings about inflammation and its links to excess deaths
  • The natural medicines that you should always have on hand at home
  • What happens to your heart post-vaxx, and why you need to detox fast
  • The consequences of untreated leaky gut, and why its so deadly
  • Urokinase is the #1 drug for blood clotting – it comes from your urine
  • Why toxins are stored in fat cells, and how to get them out permanently

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