How to Fix a Low Thyroid with 3 Superfoods found in Your Supermarket
A low functioning thyroid is a medical condition that is seriously on the rise.
According to the American Thyroid Association, 1 in 8 women will get it in their lifetimes, in around 1 in 50 men as well.
The reason women are affected more is because hormones affect women more, and the thyroid gland is the hormonal control center of the body.
It regulates hormones, menstrual cycles, energy levels, cold sensitivity, moods, getting wrinkles and old skin, hair loss, fertility, and even weight gain.
If you suffer from hair loss, uncontrollable weight gain, brain fog, really low energy, or often feel cold, then it’s highly likely you have low thyroid function.
Why are so many people now being diagnosed with thyroid issues?
One of the more surprising reasons is eating a “healthy diet”.
Because some of the foods (there are 3 in particular) that people consider healthy are actually extremely destructive to the thyroid.
Yes, your salad kill you, by shriveling up your thyroid like a raisin.
The culprits were discovered by Kinsey Jackson, a clinical nutritionist, author of The Thyroid Reboot, and one of America’s leading thyroid specialists.
In her 22 years of experience in her practice she has helped 17,253 men and women recover from low thyroid function.
But what sets her apart from other medical professionals is that Kinsey suffered from thyroid disease herself.
It was so bad that she had a huge bald patch on her head, and her muscle aches were so painful that she needed a wheelchair to get groceries.
But she went from this, and laying in bed all day due to chronic fatigue, to having normal thyroid levels, and being 100% symptom free.
Her hair grew back, her brain fog disappeared, her energy levels returned to normal, and she now does hiking, yoga, and also fell pregnant.
Kinsey was able to fully recover and have a normal life again, without having to take any medicines or go on extreme diets.
Instead, she used a method that takes just 2 minutes a day, and is so effective at addressing low thyroid, you can feel better in as little as 2 weeks.
To recover from low thyroid function, you need to know the 3 foods to avoid, how the thyroid functions, and what superfoods help the thyroid to function.
1. The first food to avoid is Edamame, and other Soy products.
Soy is terrible for the thyroid, is one of the most common foods allergens on this planet, and also makes the immune system attack the thyroid.
Up to 97% of low thyroid disorders are caused by autoimmune issues, such as Hashimoto’s, and to make matters worse, 94% of US soy is GMO.
2. The second food to avoid is the supposed superfood, Kale.
Kale is one of the worst foods for the thyroid because is contains goitrogens, which stops the thyroid from absorbing iodine, and causes goiters to appear.
In fact, all cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, brussels sprouts, and arugula, will cause your thyroid hormone levels to drop like a rock.
You can remove some of the goitrogens by cooking these vegetables very well, but don’t eat too much, and as for kale, I’d avoid it at all costs.
3. The third food to avoid is salad dressings that are made with vegetable oil.
This includes ranch, balsamic vinaigrette, and Italian dressings, and the reason is that their base is soybean, canola, or another toxic vegetable oil.
These oils cause inflammation which damages the thyroid and impairs it’s function, but the good news is vinegar or avocado based dressings are safe.
Avoiding those 3 food groups will stop you damaging your thyroid, but you will still likely need to repair it so it fully functions again.
This is where knowing the 3 stages of thyroid function becomes important.
Firstly, the thyroid produces the T3 and T4 hormones, then the liver converts free T4 into T3, and lastly, the t3 goes into cells to activate your metabolism.
All 3 stages are important, and if just 1 is out of whack, you will suffer.
This is why popular thyroid medications like Levothyroxine and Synthroid often don’t work, because they are only giving you the T4 hormone.
If you are not producing your own T3, can’t convert T4 into T3, or can’t get the T3 to enter your cells, then the medications won’t do anything at all.
That is the reason why most people on thyroid medications still feel horrible, and medications are not a long term solution.
No amount of T4 will help you if just 1 of the 3 stages of thyroid function is broken, and why you need a whole body approach, not just some pills.
Furthermore, thyroid lab tests are a lie, and completely useless, because they only measure T4 and TSH, not T3, and certainly not T3 in your cells.
The root cause of low thyroid function is when 1 of these 3 stages of the thyroid’s process is broken, and the root cause of that is thyroid starvation.
Thyroid starvation occurs when the thyroid gland and the body are deficient in 3 crucial minerals that it requires to function optimally.
The good news is that these nutrient deficiencies can be corrected by taking the relevant 3 superfoods, or by taking an appropriate thyroid supplement.
Kinsey Jackson found them when she was healing from her own thyroid condition, and in her 22 years of clinical practice since, swears by them.
In fact, she says nutrition is the most effective solution to heal low thyroid function, and its incredible healing power is a natural and safe method.
The 3 pathways of thyroid function depend on key enzymes to drive the chemical reactions, and these enzymes depend on 3 key minerals.
If you have a low functioning thyroid, you can bet your house that you have a deficiency in these 3 minerals, as even if you eat well, you can’t get enough.
You can get these minerals from 3 superfoods, that are all cheap, easy to find in supermarkets, and will cost you about $17 for a week’s supply.
Without them, your skin and hair will age faster, you’ll be sensitive to the cold, menopause will be worse, and you will likely be infertile.
Later, you’ll get autoimmune problems, and probably end up losing patches of hair (maybe all of it), and end up in a wheelchair, so pay close attention.
1. The first important mineral is Selenium, which is needed by an enzyme called seleno-protein, which makes your thyroid produce T3 and T4.
Without enough selenium, every cell in your body slows down, T3 and T4 levels drop, and you can barely function, wanting to lie in bed all day.
You can get selenium from Brazil Nuts, and there are dozens of studies showing selenium helps, including ultrasound imaging comparisons.
2. The second important mineral is Zinc, as it is needed to convert T4 into T3, and has been proven in studies showing T3 levels returning to normal.
Another study had women grow all of their hair back, and a rat study had rats with low zinc levels losing their hair, energy, and developing skin lesions.
Raw Oysters are the best option for zinc, and Grass-Fed Beef Liver is good.
3. The third important mineral is copper, as it is needed for T3 to signal to the mitochondria to make ATP, your source of energy and life in your body.
Studies show copper deficiencies are a major cause of brain fog, hair turning grey, being exhausted, and having a slow metabolism.
The best superfood to get copper is from Avocados.
Getting adequate quantities of these 3 minerals will fix thyroid starvation.
You can get the minerals by consuming the 3 superfoods mentioned above.
But for those who want a simpler path to repairing their low thyroid function, and one that is cheaper than shopping at a supermarket, there is an option.
Kinsey Jackson has used her expertise in healing thyroid patients to help develop the world’s first thyroid supplement that fixes thyroid starvation.
Not only does it have the required dosages of the 3 crucial minerals, but it also has another 4 herbs which also repair and enhance thyroid function.
This supplement works to repair the thyroid all by itself, and you don’t need to combine it with any diets or exercise regimes.
It won’t just bring your thyroid hormones back to normal healthy levels, but patients found they lost on average 21 pounds of fat in the first 90 days.
It is absolutely the best thyroid supplement on the market, comes with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee, and is now available for up to 73% off.