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Global Happiness Summit

Event Name: Global Happiness Summit
Event Starts: 12th July 2022
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Gallup has been conducting polls for decades, and one of them is the Global Emotions Report, where they survey over 100,000 people worldwide.

Last year’s report showed that people are having record levels of sadness.

It’s no surprise, as happiness levels have been dropping for over a decade.

But ask yourself:

Have the events of the past few years made you sadder than before?

It can be hard to make a shift towards happiness, but the people behind the Global Happiness Summit are on a mission to do just that.

They’ve gathered together 50 of the world’s top experts in building incredible happiness in the areas of health, relationships, finances, and much more.

But this is different from other summits.

You can actually participate in live conversations with them.

Get the best ideas, insights, inspiration, tools, tactics, and methods to transform your life and be happier than you ever have before.

And join an amazing community with like-minded positive people.

You’re going to love it, and have a huge smile on your face. ?

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