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Meta-Analysis of 73 Studies showed This is the Best Way to Reduce Pain

Event Name: Strategic Eating to Eliminate Chronic Pain
Event Starts: Live webinar every Thursday
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Pain is the number 1 cause of seeking medical attention… by far.

But new studies are showing that it is not always the physical damage that is responsible for the pain, but rather critical nutrient deficiencies.

Let’s look at a case of a severe herniated disc, which was able to be treated nutritionally, with no physical repair at all of the herniated disc.

The patient got a huge reduction in pain, and they even checked the MRI after treatment, and the herniated disc was still there, exactly the same.

And it’s not the only example of miraculous pain recovery, as there have been many successful results, even with bone-on-bone joint pain cases.


The evidence shows that while physical injuries are known causes of pain, there are other factors at play which have to be present for the pain to occur.

And these factors are rising in prevalence and intensity, with a 2021 paper surveying almost half a million people finding pain to be increasing.

It showed joint, neck, back, jaw pain, and headaches increased by up to 40% in all races, genders, age groups, and regardless of education or income.

One reason was our sedentary lifestyles, seated, with our heads down, arms out in front, typing on a keyboard or phone for hours every day.

Other factors include lack of physical activity, low fitness, muscle weakness, structural dysfunction, poor sleep and the adoption of the western diets.

It turns out that the nutrition factor is HUGE, with super common nutrient deficiencies having a direct connection to chronic pain.


If you’ve got pain, then treating it nutritionally is the perfect way to start.

It can be the foundation to build upon, or go alongside any other pain treatments, and most of all, it can cure pain extremely quickly.

A 2018 meta-analysis of 73 studies on the nutritional intervention of pain found significant effects in pain reduction, so it’s been proven by science.

But it’s not just our horrible diets that are leading to these nutritional deficiencies, with other factors depleting nutrients, including drugs.

65% of Canadians, 66% of Americans, and big numbers in other western countries are currently taking prescription medications.

One of the side effects is that they massively deplete crucial nutrients.


To learn more about the factors that are depleting our nutrient levels, and causing chronic pain, watch Strategic Eating to Eliminate Chronic Pain.

It’s a webevent by one of the world’s top pain specialists, Dr. Yoni Whitten.

Yoni’s post doctoral education included functional neurology, structural rehabilitation, lifestyle medicine, and clinical nutrition.

So not only does he know what he is talking about, but he has a long track record of curing “impossible” pain cases that stump other doctors.

And this is not just about fixing your pain problems for good.

People with pain experience higher levels of disability, anxiety, depression, a reduced quality of life, dependence on drugs, and a lower life expectancy.

You can also knock these other problems on the head, AND live longer too.


One of the nutritional deficiencies the webevent covers include magnesium.

It is directly linked to headaches, migraines, muscle pain, neurpathic pain, and other rare pain disorders.

But you’d never know if you were deficient, because the doctors normally use the blood serum rests, and Dr. Yoni shows they are completely useless.

Magnesium is normally stored in our cells, not in our blood, and the blood serum is said to contain just 1% of the total magnesium in the body.

Learn what the best and most accurate ways are to test for magnesium deficiency, and also what physical signs and symptoms you can expect.


One of the vitamins covered in the webevent is Vitamin B12, more commonly known for it’s link to fatigue, yet that fatigue also has a strong link to pain.

A 2019 study found that people with migraines had much lower levels of B12, and those with the highest levels were 80% less likely to get migraines.

You’ll also hear of the amazing case study of a 40+ year-old woman who came into a clinic suffering from excruciating muscle aches and bone pain.

She had extreme pain, weakness, fatigue, a 3-page list of other symptoms, and had already seen 30 doctors, of which 12 thought she was crazy.

The doctor found she had barely measurable levels of vitamin D, and upon treating her with that and nothing else, she responded dramatically.

But this isn’t an isolated case, as a separate published study found that 93% of people with chronic pain had vitamin D deficiency.

And if you look at the list of vitamin D deficiency symptoms, they are almost all related to pain.

These are just 3 of the nutritional factors covered in the webevent, and you’ll also learn deficiency symptoms, the best testing methods, and risk factors.


Then there is the curious case of inflammation, and why modern doctors are getting it horribly (and dangerously) wrong.

A recent study found that treating inflammation with NSAIDs actually leads to prolonged pain, at up to 10x the normal duration.

And you are almost 2x more likely to develop long term chronic pain.

It turns out that the inflammation is there for a purpose, and although you may be experiencing pain, you get a whole lot more without inflammation.

In response to these findings, Dr. Jeffrey Mogil stated that “Inflammation occurs for a reason, and it looks like it’s dangerous to interfere with it”.

Tampering with the body’s normal natural responses produces abnormal outcomes, but you can fight inflammation by eliminating its known triggers.

Sitting, lack of sleep, high blood glucose levels, low time spent walking, are all established triggers for inflammation (and as it turns out, pain as well).

The webevent covers how to monitor it, what to do, and what not to do to lower inflammation, because if you get this wrong, you’re in trouble.


The webevent teaches everything you need to know about resolving all types of pain, using nothing but nutrition, including an important link with hydration.

You’ll learn the certain foods that rewire your nervous system so it generates pain signals all on its own, and how to reverse engineer that process.

The critical foods that are scientifically proven to create an inner anti-inflammatory environment, demonstrated conclusively to reduce pain levels.

An overlooked essential nutrient that most people don’t know they are deficient in, that increases your pain threshold, and lowers pain sensitivity.

The two modern holistic therapies that can be used to heal fractured bones.

Plus lessons that show the main is mostly not about what you are eating (and have to restrict), but rather what you are not eating and deficient in.

All these nutritional strategies are presented in the webevent with included studies and scientific evidence proving that they work for pain reduction.

This webevent is for everyone, of all ages, and with all types of pain, and has easy solutions you can start immediately to get pain out of your life for good.

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