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The Undefeated Challenge: Beat Cancer & Chronic Disease while Winning Financial Freedom

Event Name: The Undefeated Challenge: Beat Cancer & Chronic Disease while Winning Financial Freedom
Event Starts: 17th June 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

With living costs skyrocketing AND chronic disease being predicted to grow by 99.5%, your current paycheck won’t be enough anymore (or maybe now).

So many people are already in trouble, suffering with chronic diseases, AND not having enough money to put food on the table, or pay their rent or bills.

It’s a double-edged sword, because if you are lacking in finances, then you won’t have enough money to eat healthy, buy medicines, or get treatments.

But there is a solution… to BOTH of these problems… at the same time.


Jonathan Otto & Shanda Sumpter are hosting The Undefeated Challenge: Beat Cancer & Chronic Disease while Winning Financial Freedom.

It’s a new type of event, where you can learn how to improve both of these aspects of your life (health and wealth) in real-time.

You’ll get the latest cutting-edge info for cancer and chronic disease reversal, plus find out the best ways to create abundant and lasting financial freedom.


There will be cases studies on miraculous health breakthroughs and amazing recoveries from seemingly incurable medical conditions.

You’ll learn how to “wash out” toxins from your body using therapies that you never knew existed, are not expensive (or free), and you can do from home.

Discover how to effectively remove parasites, heavy metals, and other health-draining toxic substances using suppressed & rare natural protocols.

Get a clear roadmap on how to get the most optimal health you’ve ever had.


Jonathan will be providing his health expertise, while Shanda will be giving her experience of building successful 9-figure and an 8-figure companies.

You will be given a simplified model on how to bring in more income, how to stay in a success mindset, and how to life your life with boundless energy.

Each day you’ll learn actionable strategies that you can start using right away to drastically improve your overall health AND your financial well-being.

This includes the health protocols that Jonathan personally uses himself, and the proven steps that Shanda used to go from having $500 to Millions.


We all know that the economy is on the verge of an unprecedented crash, and can see this in the food prices, cost of goods, and the housing market.

Plus so many people are now being diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, with no warning or no symptoms, after the experimental injections, 5G, and more.

The world situation is dire, and there has never been a greater need for the extraordinary health and financial advice that you will get in this event.

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