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Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys & Men

Event Name: Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys & Men
Event Starts: 4th December 2023
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Here are a few frightening facts about men and boys:

  • Over 1,750 men worldwide commit suicide each day
  • 3 in 4 of these men who commit suicide never seek help
  • Friendlessness is up 500% among men since 1990
  • Over 27,500 men are divorced by their wives every day
  • Many of those divorced men will be left without their children
  • Divorced dads commit suicide 800% more than divorced moms
  • Divorced dads commit suicide 300% more than other men
  • Sexlessness is up 300% for men 18-30 since 2008
  • Over 200 US men die from a drug overdose every day
  • Drug overdose deaths are up 600% among men and boys
  • Suicide rates for boys 10-14 are up over 300% since 2007
  • Half of the suicidal boys parents never know their son is at risk
  • Obesity is up 300% for boys 10-14 since 2007 (and 10x in 40 years)


Most of these are caused by the fact men are no longer allowed to be men.

Society has essentially “outlawed” the real man from existence.

There has been a clear agenda to feminize men, coining fake terms like “toxic masculinity”, introducing men’s makeup lines, and “metrosexuals”.

And then there are the gay agendas, the creation of 101 different genders to cause gender confusion, and forcing the use of imaginary pronouns.

Real men are disappearing, and it’s the young boys who are being hit the hardest, with some even more frightening statistics proving it:

  • Fatherlessness is up 200% for boys since 1968
  • 1/3 of boys either don’t have a father or live without them
  • 95% of men who are in prison had no father at home
  • 90% of homeless and runaway children had no father at home
  • 85% of boys with behavioral disorders had no father at home
  • 72% of adolescent murderers had no father at home
  • 63% of teens who committed suicide had no father at home


And some more… as boys who live with their dad are:

  • Less likely to be addicted to drugs, video games, and porn
  • Less likely to be depressed and commit suicide
  • Less likely to be obese and die with chronic disease
  • Less likely to commit crime and end up in prison
  • Less likely to drop out of school and live in poverty


Don’t let anyone tell you that strong men and fathers are not needed.

Fathers are priceless… and the data proves it.

How many of our sons and brothers have to suffer before we take notice?

Why are so many men confused about how to be husbands and fathers?

For how long do men and boys have to continue to suffer in silence?


Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys & Men, plans to put an end to this madness and misery by teaching men how to be real men.

Tens of thousands of men are gathering for this online event to confront this crisis head on, including fathers, grandfathers, elders, leaders, and mentors.

You’ll learn how to be the strong man, the father, the hero your family needs.

There are mentors to learn from, and brothers to unite with.

Join the movement to create a world where people once again remember the value of men, fatherhood, masculinity, tradition, honor, and brotherhood.

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