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Parasites: The Missing Link to Chronic Illness ​​

Event Name: Parasites: The Missing Link to Chronic Illness
Event Starts: 4th October 2021
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

People in western countries think they are safe from parasites.

But they are not!

In fact, it’s the opposite.

They de-worm their pets and livestock every year, yet other countries don’t.

But they are living in the same environment as the animals.

And they are in your food, meat and vegetables, so you can’t escape them.

Often, westerners are riddled with parasites… and they don’t even know it.

Instead, they get chronic illnesses like IBS and digestive trouble, arthritis, constipation, inflammation, heart problems, skin disorders, and much more.

They can even cause problems like depression, anxiety, and bursts of anger.


Because parasites can also control the mind, your thoughts, and behaviours.

Yes, it sounds like science fiction, but it’s true.

So people can live for years with these health problems, and they can see 100 doctors, change diets, take supplements, but nothing will ever work.

Because parasites are the root cause of the disease.

Parasites: The Missing Link to Chronic Illness will teach you how to detect them, eliminate them, and see if they are behind your symptoms or illnesses.

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