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Sunlight repairs Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis

This video, Sunlight repairs Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis, was filmed at Ibn Batuta Mall, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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We all know that sunlight will stimulate Vitamin D production in the skin, but a recent study published in the medical and science journal, Frontiers in Microbiology, indicates that the benefits of sunlight go much deeper into the body, specifically into the gut.

It looked at the Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Light, and they found that the human intestinal microbiome was regulated by sunlight, increasing the colony sizes of a number of different beneficial bacteria, and promoting intestinal homeostasis and improved health.

This study was also referenced in an article in the Gut Microbes Journal, where they noted the similarity in gut microbe composition between the study participants, and the Yanomami tribes in the Amazon region. Their primitive lifestyles lend themselves to greater sunlight exposure, and for that they reap the benefits, and have the same abundance of the same beneficial gut bacteria strains.

Prior to this, there was a study done on rodents, and published in the journal Nutrients. They would shave the hair off the mice, and expose them to ultraviolet radiation. They also experienced a significant change in their gut microbiomes, with beneficial bacteria proliferating, and harmful bacteria colonies shrinking in size.

This mouse study suggested that improvements would be seen in conditions like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, while the human study suggested that Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Multiple Sclerosis would be improved.

But there are plenty more studies which have found that these positive changes in the gut microbiome have positive effects on a wide range of conditions. For example, a study in the Journal of Immunology Research found that it will improve many respiratory diseases, like Asthma, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, and Lung Cancer, while another paper in the Frontiers in Psychiatry Journal showed that it affected many mental health components, including interesting ones like loneliness and wisdom.

So, smarten up, and make sure you get your sunlight exposure every day. This video would have introduced you to new benefits that you previously did not know about, but there are so many more that we haven’t explored in this video, and likely more we don’t even know about yet.

For more information on Vitamin D benefits, and safe sources apart from the sun to get it from, please visit my website at