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My Breast Friend (Webinar)

Event Name: My Breast Friend Webinar
Event Starts: 22nd July 2021
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Size does matter…

When it comes to breast cancer survival.

That’s why finding those lumps early is critical.

Did you know…

That an untrained woman can detect a lump the size of a ping pong ball?

While a trained woman can detect a lump the size of a pea?

But most women are too scared to touch their own breasts to detect them.

And the reason is that they have never been trained.

That’s all going to change in this powerful Breast Cancer Webinar.

Where you will learn 7 ways to detect lumps in your own breasts.

And much more crucial self-examination information.

Don’t miss out on the info in the My Breast Friend webinar.

This information can save a life.

Click the button above to go to the Main Webinar Page

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