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2024 Food Revolution Summit

Event Name: 2024 Food Revolution Summit
Event Starts: 24th April 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

The amazing Food Revolution Summit docu-series is back for 2024.

And this year features 8 new episodes that are more captivating, and more informative, and more beneficial than anything they’ve ever done before.

There’s live engagement sessions, cooking demonstrations, and in-depth interviews with 45 world-leading experts in the food field.

This event answers all of the common dietary questions, including what to eat for better gut health, better mental health, or for sustained weight loss.

It covers all the vitamins and supplements, including hot topics like vitamin K, B12, and omega-3s, plus the lowdown on topics like fasting, soy, and lectins.

Everything you need to know about food, health, and disease will be covered throughout this highly anticipated, must-watch docu-series.


This is what each of the 8 episodes covers:

Ep 1. The deception behind the Big Ag and Big Food industries, and how they are deliberately poisoning us with pesticides and chemical additives.

Ep 2. How diet is behind the skyrocketing rates of Alzheimer’s, dementia & other brain issues, as well as anxiety, depression, & other mental conditions.

Ep 3. The link between our microbiomes, gut health, and wellness, including the foods that cause bloating, gas, indigestion, leaky gut, and autoimmunity.

Ep 4. Exposing the cancer & disease causing chemicals in beauty products, plus diet and lifestyle changes that produce youthful skin and hair naturally.

Ep 5. Focus on the world’s #1 killer, heart disease, with diets & foods proven to prevent heart attacks & strokes, & reverse heart disease & hypertension.

Ep 6. The relationship between diabetes and obesity, how they are being caused by modern processed foods, and how the drugs for them are deadly.

Ep 7. Unraveling all the major food controversies, including blood-type, keto, and paleo diets, rancid fish oils, how much protein or vitamins do you need.

Ep 8. How we can survive the loss of the ever-depleting topsoils and water resources, and move towards biodiversity and sustainable food practices.


Get ready to be equipped with the know-how to transform your health.

This is the #1 gathering of food revolutionaries on the planet…

And you’re invited!

Click the button above to go to the Main Summit Page

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