The Fibro Summit
There are primarily 2 types of doctors:
Those who don’t believe fibromyalgia exists
AND Those who know it is real, but don’t know how to treat it.
Obviously, seeing either of those doctors is a huge waste of time.
Thankfully, Dr. Rodger Murphree is NOT one of those doctors, being the author of Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
But what is it? What causes it? Who gets it? And why do they get it?
If you suffer from chronic fatigue, widespread pain, brain fog, poor sleep, restless leg syndrome, low moods, or IBS, then you may have fibromyalgia.
If you have a mystery illness that doctors, friends, or co-workers don’t believe you have, the symptoms are not in your head, and it may be fibromyalgia.
Dr. Murphree has over 20 years of experience with protocols that banish fibromyalgia symptoms naturally, and give you your quality of life back.
He is the host of The Fibro Summit, and together with a range of other international experts, you’ll find out if your symptoms match fibromyalgia.
And most importantly… get real treatment options which work.
This is your ticket out of the day to day gloom and doom of fibro symptoms.
You’ll also learn:
- What causes fibro pain, and why western pain meds are useless
- Why colon inflammation is seen in every disease
- How to flush the gallbladder, and herds that help bile flow
- Links between fibromyalgia and lyme disease symptoms
- How diet impacts pain, brain fog, and fatigue levels
- What is interstitial cystitis, and how it is linked to fibromyalgia
- The most powerful antioxidant ever discovered: C60
- How “stinking thinking” leads to mental toxicity, and fibro
- What is the Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution?
- Mold and biotoxin damage, and how Bartonella could be the key
- How hormones effect energy, pain, and sleep
- All about grains, gluten, SIBO, and the fibro connection
- And much, much more…