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The 5 Dangerous Warning Signs You Have Black Liver

Black Liver is the real cause of exhaustion, obesity, and premature aging.

And there are 5 dangerous warning signs that your liver has turned black.

  1. Tired in the morning – Your liver converts glucose into glycogen, which is stored for release in the morning, but when it’s turned black, it can’t do this.
  2. Hard to lose weight – Your liver is linked to hormones controlling your metabolism, fat-burning, and cravings, and without them, you gain weight.
  3. Don’t feel good after meals – Your liver is involved in the production of bile for digestion, and without it, food backs up and bad bacteria breed rapidly.
  4. Brain fog and poor focus – Your liver filters your blood, and a black liver leads to unfiltered, toxic and dirty blood that your brain can’t function well on.
  5. Wrinkles, sunken eyes, dark circles under the eyes – Like above, the toxic dirty blood is dark from lack of oxygen, causing damage to the skin & eyes.

If ANY of these sound familiar, then you are likely already have black liver.

And the Liver Re-Toxification Cycle makes sure that you have it forever.

The truth is, that when the liver is overloaded, it dumps the excess toxic waste into the colon, mostly through your body’s contaminated bile complex.

But the colon’s job is to absorb the digestive bile, water, and nutrients.

So the toxins that your liver expelled, are reabsorbed again into your body and your bloodstream, getting sent back to your liver, and turning it black.

And this cycle continues until you die… unless you know how to break it.


There’s a simple way you can STOP and, in most cases, REVERSE the damaging effects of liver fatigue… In just a few days!

TrueCarbonCleanse is a master drainage formula that attracts toxins and binds them so they can’t be reabsorbed back into the body or blood.

It can even attract deadly toxins like pathogens, bacteria, parasites, mold, mycoplasma, biotoxins, candida, pesticides, herbicides, and plastics.

TrueCarbonCleanse uses rare ingredients, including a volcanic detox crystal, an ancient Egyptian nutrient, and a tree fiber from an African island.

One of the ingredients alone can absorb up to 300 times it’s weight in toxins.

All of these toxins are bound together and safely eliminated from the body, quickly reversing all symptoms of the illness, and regenerating your liver.

Studies done on the formula show that it can lower the body’s toxic exposure by 60%, and does so without interfering with any nutrient absorption.

TrueCarbonCleanse is without doubt the fastest (and maybe only) way to recover from a black liver and restore a vibrant healthy life that you deserve.

As a special for HealthGlade subscribers, you can now receive 2 free bottles with every purchase of TrueCarbonCleanse.

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