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Root Cause Answers

Event Name: Root Cause Answers
Event Starts: 8th July 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Have you been suffering for years with unexplained symptoms or conditions?

Have you got recurring pains through your body, but you never got injured?

Have you get extreme lack of energy, at seemingly random times in the day?

Have you got an inability to lose weight, even though you diet and exercise?

Have you got a red, itchy rash that keeps appearing, no matter what you do?

Have you got irritating digestive problems, even with watching your food?

Have you experienced severe depressive moods, with no apparent reason?

Have you experienced brain fog that inhibits your ability to function properly?


If you answered YES to any (or many) of these, there’s a way to stop them.

You need to find out the root cause of why something is happening.

The root cause of your chronic and debilitating symptoms and diseases.

Once you have find the root cause of those mysterious aliments, you can finally stop them for good.

Imagine… no more visits to clueless doctors, no more frustration at all your test results showing normal, no more people telling you it’s all in your head.

You can get off all the drugs that the doctors loaded you up with to mask the symptoms of your conditions, and not have to deal with side effects either.

The answers to overcoming any health condition ALWAYS rely on tackling the root cause, and there’s a new documentary series dedicated to this.

It’s a 10-episode series called Root Cause Answers, with a focus on identifying the root cause of YOUR troubles, and healing from it.

There were times in the past when you enjoyed life, without having any health challenges, and this docu-series can help you return to those times.


The 10 Episode line-up is as follows:

1. Unveiling the ‘Toxic 10’: Uncovering the Root Causes of Autoimmune Disease – Incl. environmental factors, toxins, and leaky gut syndrome.

2. Gut Microbiome Health: Investigating IBS, Leaky Gut, and Reversing Gut Diseases Naturally – Incl. antibiotics, processed and fermented foods.

3. Heavy Metals, Mold, and Infections: Unraveling Their Impact on Brain Health – Incl. health risks, diagnostic tests, and detoxification strategies.

4. Parasites Unveiled: Root Cause of Lyme Disease, IBS, Fatigue, and More – Incl. Lyme, IBS, chronic fatigue, signs and symptoms, & treatments.

5. Unmasking the Standard American Diet: Reclaiming Health Through Nutrition – Incl. sugar, unhealthy fats, processed foods, and nutrient density.

6. Stress, Trauma, and Inflammation: Navigating Their Effects on Heart, Mental Health, Immunity and Sleep – Incl. management and recovery.

7. The Gut-Immune-Brain Connection: How The Toxic 10 Affect Your Gut, Immunity, and Brain – Incl. immune, gut, brain, & mental health links.

8. Decoding Autoimmune Conditions: Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, Lupus, Cancer, and Type 1 Diabetes through Holistic Protocols – Incl. stories.

9. Food Fight: How GMOs, Pesticides, and Factory Farming Impact Your Health – Harmful effects, health risks, organic & sustainable agriculture.

10. Harmonizing Inner Frequencies: The Brain, Mindset, and Emotion to Conquer Chronic Illnesses for Absolute Healing – Incl. power of mindset.


This promises to be an amazing series, giving the knowledge and motivation to thousands of people with ill-health, to recover and enjoy living again.

Remember, once you know the root cause of your troubles, you can HEAL.

Click the button above to go to the Main Docu-Series Page

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