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Reversing Crohn’s and Colitis Summit

Event Name: Reversing Crohn’s and Colitis Summit
Event Starts: 17th September 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Sometimes the stomach makes life very unpleasant, or even unbearable.

People are living with never-ending cramping, sudden rushes of diarrhea, embarrassing bouts of gas, and painful episodes of acid reflux (GERD).

Then there is abdominal pain, sickness after eating, fevers, infections, fatigue, exhaustion, weight loss, rectal pain, and rectal bleeding.

Doctors usually put the blame on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and leaky gut.

But often these problems are actually Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease.


With all these new frankenfoods hitting the market, and new environmental toxins we are being exposed to every day, our insides are suffering.

Tens of millions of people worldwide have already been diagnosed with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), with that number growing exponentially.

Seniors are the most rapidly growing group of people with IBD, and for those with it the danger is high, having a 3-fold increased risk for colorectal cancer.

The high death rates are one thing, but IBD’s make living life a misery.

Food is no longer a source of joy as it causes stomach upset or worse, and for many people they have a limited list of “safe” foods they can choose from.

No matter what you try, nothing seems to work to stop the stomach pain.

You’ve tried giving up sugar, soy, and gluten, started juicing and smoothies, or adopted raw, vegan or keto diets… with none of them making a difference.

Well it’s time to say goodbye to the frustration of unexplained symptoms and failed modalities, and live a life free from gut pain.


Uncover and address the root causes of your struggles and your gut issues at the Reversing Crohn’s and Colitis Summit.

This is the first summit of its kind focused specifically on these conditions.

It will feature 40+ experts sharing their recovery secrets, including detoxing from heavy metals, optimizing liver health, and removing mold & parasites.

You’ll get strategies to enhance the strength, health, and function of your gut, new ways to soothe inflammation, and keys to decoding complex gut issues.

Of course, there will be life-changing nutritional insights, where you will finally get to know the foods and drinks that are the real problem causers.

And for problem cases you’ll get solutions tailored to your unique challenges.


Imagine waking up without that dull pain in your gut.

Picture yourself enjoying a delicious meal without having any reactions.

Envision a day filled with freedom and energy, free from the limitations of Crohn’s, collitis, and irritable bowel disease.

All of this is possible, and you can get your life (and your gut) back to normal.

You’ll hear stories of people who have gone from the worst of gut health problems to living a happy, joyous, and symptom-free life again.

Start your healing journey with this summit, and say goodbye to Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and all of your gut problems for good.

Click the button above to go to the Main Summit Page

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