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Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain Webinar

Event Name: Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain Webinar
Event Starts: 5th September 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

There is an epidemic of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia in the world now, as well as Parkinson’s and mental health issues.

​​For years, the doctors thought the problem lied in the brain, but the latest science has shown that the cause actually stems from the gut-brain axis.

Yes, poor gut health is the driver behind these neurodegenerative conditions.

And there are simple, yet powerful changes you can make in your life to repair the gut and prevent (and reverse) any neurodegenerative decline.

Dr. Partha Nandi will be presenting clear and actionable steps you can take in his webinar: Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain.

​​He is an international best-selling author, host of the Emmy award-winning medical show, Ask Dr. Nandi, and an expert on reversing brain conditions.

You’ll discover the 5 pillars of health to reverse​​ and prevent the onset of disease, and learn what you can do to improve your gut and brain health.
Plus, you can take his risk assessment tool to find out if you are at future risk of developing dementia or any of the other neurodegenerative conditions.

With the number of people living with dementia expected to triple within the next couple of decades, you can’t afford to ignore this important information.

​​​​Healing the gut won’t only save your brain from these terrible diseases, but it will give you incredible energy & happiness that will greatly improve your life.

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