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Conquering Chronic Inflammation Summit

Event Name: Conquering Chronic Inflammation Summit
Event Starts: 6th August 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Inflammation-related diseases now account for over 50% of all deaths.

And in the US, 6 out of 10 adults now have at least 1 health condition related to chronic inflammation, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, & cancer.

Plus, while you are dying you age faster, as it causes accelerated skin aging.

Chronic inflammation is not pleasant to live with, as you try to ignore joint pain, push through fatigue, and put up with digestive discomfort.

It’s a crippling disease, that kills you slowly, miserably, and painfully.

But what if I told you there was a way out of living like this?


Get ready to discover a world where chronic inflammation is not just managed, but reversed, at the Conquering Chronic Inflammation Summit.

Explore the latest inflammation-busting strategies, debunk inflammation myths, and go on a deep dive into how to beat this condition once and for all.

Our bodies are capable of healing miracles beyond our wildest imagination.

All we need to do is provide them with the right nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle conditions, and we can naturally bring down inflammation for good.


But this summit covers so much more than general inflammation.

You’ll learn strategies to reduce brain inflammation, mindset factors like the placebo and nocebo effects, magnesium mastery, and liver rejuvenation.

Plus you’ll discover the role your fascia plays in pain and inflammation management, and ways to calm gut inflammation and improve gut health.

With the incredible health information and tools you’ll be given in this summit, you can step into a future where health and happiness are your new normal.

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