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Cancer Secrets

Event Name: Cancer Secrets
Event Starts: 4th March 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

For the first time ever… the US is expecting over 2 million new cancer cases.

And many of these are children as young as 2 (and they’re dying from it too).

It wasn’t too many decades ago that cancer was rare (or non-existent).

So what’s changed in society to make cancer such a common disease?

And why has there been an even greater explosion in the last few years?

Plus, why do people always opt for chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery?

When these treatments cause extreme pain, damage to their bodies and to their health, and ironically… they cause even more cancer.

And the worst part is they are extremely expensive, and have very low success rates, and make the cancers return stronger, and more aggressive.

Then there is the question as to why people get screened for cancer, when the detection technology causes the cancer they are trying to detect.


These are some of the unanswered questions that big pharma, doctors and the medical industrial complex are going all out to keep a secret from you.

But you’ll find the answers to these in the docu-series, Cancer Secrets.

You’ll learn the reasons behind the cancer epidemic and what causes it, incl. food with glyphosate, sugar, chemicals, pesticides, hormones, & antibiotics.

You’ll discover incredible facts, like cancer cells grab sugar faster than other cells, and that inflammation is the bed that cancer lies in, and launches from.

You’ll hear amazing stories, like if you eat garlic once per week, it will slow down the reproduction of cancer cells, and deactivate specific carcinogens.

You’ll be empowered with knowledge of studies that showed stress, fear, and negativity slows cancer healing, while optimism makes it faster and stronger.

And you’ll be given access to natural therapies that have the ability to target the cancer cells, and heal them without hurting or damaging them.


There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who have opted against conventional treatments, and successfully healed themselves from cancer…

Using inexpensive, natural, pain-free treatments, that are PROVEN to work.

Cancer Secrets will teach you what these natural cancer therapies are.

You’ll also get to hear dozens of real life healing testimonials, and be given the tools and knowledge to avoid the things that’ll make cancer come back.

If you’re looking to heal and recover from cancer (and want to make sure it never comes back), or want to avoid getting cancer in the future…

Then this Cancer Secrets docu-series series is a absolute must watch.


You’ll also discover:

  • How cancer develops from devices with EMFs, wifi, or 5G
  • Why cancer treatments that don’t focus on the terrain will fail
  • How fever detoxes the body, and why to avoid reducing it
  • Why high temperatures can kill cancer cells (they can’t survive)
  • How detoxing from heavy metals helps with beating cancer
  • Why using anti-bacterial soaps can leave you open to cancer
  • Non-toxic cancer therapies, like photodynamic therapy
  • Methods to massively increase oxygen levels (cancer hates it)
  • How sound waves can penetrate deep to treat stubborn cancers
  • The unseen dangers in our food, water, and environment
  • How flame retardants and non-stick coatings got into our water

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