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Cancer Breakthroughs 2.0 Summit

Event Name: Cancer Breakthroughs 2.0 Summit
Event Starts: 9th July 2024
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

One of the main problems with western cancer treatments is that they have a 1-size-fits-all mindset, and give everyone chemo, radiation, or surgery.

This model is so out-of-date that for example, they still give chemotherapy to people for cancers that they know it doesn’t work on (0% success rate).

Plus, in addition to being ineffective, all of their “treatments” have severe side effects, and are more dangerous and more deadly than cancer itself.

You see, cancer is not a single disease, nor does it have a single cure.

Colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, and brain cancer are all different.

There are specific targeted treatments that work very well for skin cancer, but not so much for colon cancer.

And the treatments that beat colon cancer are less effective for skin cancer.

So while there are great holistic cancer therapies, targeted treatments are a game changer for curing cancer with the highest success rates.


Dr. Michael Karlfeldt’s father was a big, strong, and fit man, but when he got cancer, the western treatments made him wither away into nothing, and die.

After seeing his father literally disintegrate in front of his own eyes, he knew there must be safer, natural therapies, that are not well known.

Dr. Michael devoted himself to finding these natural therapies, so that he could make sure that others did not experience what his family went through.

Dr. Nasha Winters was diagnosed with an untreatable terminal cancer when she was just 19 years old, and was told she would die soon.

But she didn’t accept their prognosis, and that was the start of a 30+ year journey to becoming a cancer specialist and helping cure countless patients.

Both Dr. Michael and Dr. Nasha are hosting the Cancer Breakthroughs 2.0 Summit, as they endeavor to transform cancer care globally.

They will guide you through the maze of cancer options, tell you which therapies are best for which types of cancers, and give you choices & hope.

Get the knowledge and tools you need to win the fight against YOUR cancer.


Cancer is now the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide, but for those of us who are 85 years old or under, it is the #1 cause of death.

This makes this cancer summit valuable (and important) for anyone without cancer too, because statistically, cancer will be knocking at your door soon.

Understanding cancer is the first step to vanquishing it.

And when you understand cancer, you will know how to prevent it as well.

At this summit, you will learn how to trigger your body’s ability to correct and heal itself (from cancer or any number of other diseases).

You’ll learn about powerhouse nutrients your body needs to beat (and prevent cancer), and what causes cancer and how to avoid these toxins.

There are strategies to disrupt cancer through diet, and rare therapies including pancreatic enzymes, Rife machines, RNA fragments, and fasting.

Plus a holistic approach that encompasses management of stress, nutrition, detoxification, and lifestyle modification.

Today, we stand at the brink of a new era in cancer care, where the combination of holistic and targeted cancer treatments are taking over.

This is an incredible opportunity to discover the most effective, natural, and safe, cancer therapies from doctors who have used them to cure thousands.

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