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95% of Receipts are Poisonous to Touch

This video, 95% of Receipts are Poisonous to Touch, was filmed at Pathimoonnu Kannara Bridge (13 Arch Bridge), in Thenmala, Kerala, India.

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Check out this BPA Chemical Receipts video

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Have you ever gotten a receipt and it stunk to high heaven? I have, quite a few times. I’ve noticed it’s a putrid chemical, and the smell that remained on my hands even after putting the receipt away. The chemical companies have found another way to distribute their toxic poisons, by coating shop receipts given to consumers.

The main chemical in question is Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA. You know the one they banned from drinking bottles because it was slowly killing people. You know the one that has been shown to cause weight gain, early puberty, infertility, stillbirths, hormone disruption, birth defects, diabetes, inflammation, and cancer. The list goes on. It’s very harmful.

Studies have been done which show that the more receipts you handle, the more bisphenols you have in your body. The studies have also shown that it is absorbed into the body at lightning speed, quickly contaminating the blood of anybody who handles a receipt. Another study showed the absorption rate is about 200 times higher if you use common skin care products, before touching the receipt.

Think it’s not common? Well, a US government EPA report showed that 94% of receipts contained BPA. Think it’s not much? Well, studies have shown there is a much higher exposure than from food packaging or plastics with BPA in them. In fact there is more BPA in a single receipt than the amount that would leach from a polycarbonate water bottle used for many years.

If you think you can just quickly grab the receipt and put it in your pocket? Think again. The BPA, even though you are not touching the receipt anymore, as soon as it gets on your hands it continues to be absorbed into the body, until such time as you wash it off, or use soap. If you put it in your pocket, there is BPA in your pocket. If you put it in your wallet or purse, there is BPA in those as well. All these places are being turned into toxic storage dumps for BPA, even after you remove the receipts.

I’m sure at some time in your life you have ordered some food somewhere and you have got the receipt and put it into your pocket and then you have sat down and eaten the food. Well, you just consumed a massive dose of BPA. Your contaminated hands have transferred it onto the food, and you ate it. It’s even worse if you ordered some greasy food as you would have got a much higher absorption.

I know what you are thinking: why on earth would they even use it? The reason the modern receipt machines contain BPA in the paper is they use heat. So the heat machines have replaced all the ink machines. They don’t use ink anymore. What happens is a process. BPA is one of the chemicals on there, and when heat is applied in certain areas, such as the number or the letter they want to print out, it turns black for example, and the rest of the receipt turns white. So it allows them to form letters and numbers, just by using heat, and BPA is a crucial chemical in that process.

It’s not just shop receipts either, it’s in ATM receipts when you withdraw some money, petrol or gas stations when you fill up your car, airline tickets, train and bus tickets, a lot of entertainment tickets, movie tickets, sports tickets. If there is a receipt somewhere, it’s probably coated in toxic BPA.

That covers BPA, but there are actually more than 20 different harmful chemicals in receipts. You really should be avoiding them at all costs. The best way is to just not get a receipt. If you need a receipt for refunds, there are a few other options. You could just get them to email you one. If they won’t do that, take a photo on your phone. If there is a further problem, just take a video of the exchange between you and the staff member when you have proven you have made the purchase, and you can take a video of the receipt as well.

BPA is an extremely harmful chemical, so getting rid of these receipts will save lives. There is no doubt about that. It also saves the environment, because these receipts, if they are thrown in the bin they will just end up in the landfills and the rubbish dumps, and they leach chemicals into the surrounds, which affects the wildlife and the plants as well. It can also leach into the waterways. So do your part and spread the message about receipts and BPA.

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